The Spanish West – Time Life Books

The more I travel and learn the more I realize people of every nation do not know their own history. It is not necessarily their own fault but that of the elementary and secondary schools which teach a ‘happy’ and patriotic version while diminishing or completely ignoring anything which could paint the country in a…… Continue reading The Spanish West – Time Life Books

Renaissance Man

I’ve always wanted to be a renaissance man. This idea came about in college when I started studying languages. I was so enraptured by my study abroad in Toledo, Spain that it changed the course of my life. The history, the culture, a new language were things I had never experienced before and here I…… Continue reading Renaissance Man

Journal Entry 5.11.2016 – Magical Memories of Christmas and France

Yesterday I spend a number of hours applying a finishing coat to the new fence.  This offered a lot of time to think and I thought I’d write a few down here.  The time is now 4:57 AM and I had thought I’d go to the gym but I’m behind in writing so glad I’ve…… Continue reading Journal Entry 5.11.2016 – Magical Memories of Christmas and France

American Politics and the Need for Knight Errantry

I shall impersonate a man. His name is Alonso Quijana, a country squire no longer young. Being retired, he has much time for books. He studies them from morn till night and often through the night and morn again, and all he reads oppresses him; fills him with indignation at man’s murderous ways toward man.…… Continue reading American Politics and the Need for Knight Errantry