Journal Entry – Current affairs, cryptocurrency, blockchain

It is 6:26 AM on Sunday November 7th, 2021. Daylight savings time ends today. I had thought I’d woken up early and was glad since I would have plenty of morning peace time but then I realized my phone clock did not match up with the kitchen clocks. So we shall see how long the…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Current affairs, cryptocurrency, blockchain

Trip to Ohio

My family returned to Japan this summer to visit Baba. It was long overdue since we couldn’t go last year due to COVID, and me, being the only one who doesn’t hold a passport am not allowed in this year either. That means I’m a free man all summer. It suddenly dawned on me a…… Continue reading Trip to Ohio

Journal Entry – 1.10.21

It is 6:46 AM on Sunday, January 10th. The first work week has ended and the memory of the holidays nothing more than a flicker when looking at the rotting shell of the pumpkin out back or new toys that still haven’t been played with very much. A monumental event has occurred since I last…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 1.10.21