It is 4:55 AM on Saturday, September 23rd 2023. This is not my usual time to write but it is when I usually wake up. Although I wake up it has been rare to actually get up out of bed. Usually I’ll open the phone and check all the usual apps including the news. Today,…… Continue reading COVID and the Anti-Vaccine Movement Fall 2023
Tag: Trump
Posts about the disease that is Trump.
America – It Can’t Happen Here
America is in a period of great transformation. That is a grand statement to make but for this post I’m focusing on politics. What used to be a somewhat boring subject has now become a major part of the identity in the American populace. I’ve written many times that political affiliation for the majority of…… Continue reading America – It Can’t Happen Here
Journal Entry – 9.26.21
It is 7:38 AM on Sunday morning on the 26th of September 2021. I’ve often written that life had sped up an an incredible pace once I reached the mid-30s. Well now it is about three times the speed it was and months really do pass as quickly as I perceived days to pass when…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.26.21
Trip to Ohio
My family returned to Japan this summer to visit Baba. It was long overdue since we couldn’t go last year due to COVID, and me, being the only one who doesn’t hold a passport am not allowed in this year either. That means I’m a free man all summer. It suddenly dawned on me a…… Continue reading Trip to Ohio
Blog Update – Blockchain and Internet 3.0!
Aside from posting it has been many years since I’ve done any updates to this blog. But recently many thoughts have been accumulating in my mind and yesterday I acted on them. I put on my headphones and thought about making just a few changes but before I knew it I was “in the zone”…… Continue reading Blog Update – Blockchain and Internet 3.0!
Journal Entry – 5.15.2021
It is 9:16 AM on Saturday morning May 15th, 2021. Time is a blur during this pandemic and a month slips by as quickly as a week. It is another day inside the house, but for me I am never short of amusements or activities. I have my books and have read the old Time…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 5.15.2021
Journal Entry – 4.24.21
This is the first post in over a month. This is inline with the reality that 2020 and the beginning of 2021 have been a blur due to the pandemic. One day fades into the next as there really isn’t much to differentiate them. We get up, to to work and school remotely, do exercise…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.24.21
Journal Entry – 1.10.21
It is 6:46 AM on Sunday, January 10th. The first work week has ended and the memory of the holidays nothing more than a flicker when looking at the rotting shell of the pumpkin out back or new toys that still haven’t been played with very much. A monumental event has occurred since I last…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 1.10.21