Vietnam – An American complex

In the past week I have seen many articles concerning the influence of politicians service (or non-service) in Vietnam.  Most recently, Richard Blumenthal claimed he served when actually he did not.  During the presidential election of 2004 there was a big issue about the “swift boat” soldiers and to be honest, I forget what the…… Continue reading Vietnam – An American complex

Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.

Before I get into how it affected me let’s do a quick recap of what is happening right now. I also prefer to keep it very simple. Greece owes a lot of money and they cannot pay it. This means they have to cut a lot of public services and since a VERY LARGE portion…… Continue reading Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.

My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

Just read an article in the New York times entitled “Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America.”

The article piqued my interest in that I’m all for building bridges between cultures and this program is a wonderful way to help American students learn the language of a country that will be (and is already) very important on the world stage. The article on the overall was very good but there was one statement that I take great issue with.


I am not a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, I do very much enjoy the websites and Youtube videos of conspiracy theorists for entertainment. And having read/watched plenty of them I really cannot pass up the opportunity to draw a few parallels between relatively recent events and these theories. So please take all this with a HUGE grain of salt, this post is for fun… or is it? >:)

Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Yet again another political issue is all over the media.  And as usual the debate is superficial filled with shallow “talking points,” which paint the issue as black and white and the color you choose being your political affiliation. I find the debate swirling around the details of the law a bit too much.  For…… Continue reading Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Current America, Israel Affair

The article “Democrats criticize Obama, highlight seriousness of U.S.-Israel flap” was amazing to me. At first, I was pretty surprised but as I thought about it more, I wonder if it doesn’t have to do with calming a very important voting block (The Jewish Population) which may be voting Democrat?