My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

I am addicted to the New York Times “Most Popular” list of articles.  Yet again, there is an article I would like to comment on concerning social networks and how much information todays young people share.  The article “Tell-All Generation Learns to Keep Things Offline”  warns these people that the things you post on Facebook…… Continue reading My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

Just read an article in the New York times entitled “Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America.”

The article piqued my interest in that I’m all for building bridges between cultures and this program is a wonderful way to help American students learn the language of a country that will be (and is already) very important on the world stage. The article on the overall was very good but there was one statement that I take great issue with.

San Francisco – The Tenderloin – NY Times Article

The New York Times ran the article “San Francisco’s Unlikely Tourist Stop – The Tenderloin,” yesterday and as this neighborhood is about 5 blocks from me I really had the urge to comment. The Tenderloin in short is the most run down area of San Francisco.  It is also unfortunately the first view of the…… Continue reading San Francisco – The Tenderloin – NY Times Article