Catholic Grade School – 8th Grade Dances

You may wonder why it has entered my head to write a post on 8th grade dances. Well, I can tell you that the main reason is that I discovered the “Monster Ballad” station on Pandora. Further, my buddy and I had opened up a bottle of JW Green Label and I tell you, combined with the music the memories just came flooding back.

Retarded Advertisement of the Week

This just baffles me. I wonder what they mean by “all the other things you have to do.”

If you know me, you understand I have spent a lot of time abroad and stuff like this really sticks out and I cannot help but read it as a reflection of the culture.

I have never really gotten over the culture shock and from trashy TV to continuous solicitations to buy something it seems I’m in a continuous state of bewilderment.

Where White Man Went Wrong

This is just for fun.  Another internet meme making the rounds.  Thought it would be worth a post.  *Original Source Unknown But please read below the entry for some good Native American reading. Where White Man Went Wrong Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white U.S. government official, “you have observed the white…… Continue reading Where White Man Went Wrong

Categorized as Culture

Self Identity – Who are you?

“Who am I?” If we take a moment and ask ourselves this simple question I wonder how people might answer.  Perhaps the easiest reply would be ethnicity, nationality, religion and perhaps even career. Yet, these simple boundaries are increasingly coming blurred as races mix, people immigrate, knowledge obtained and the job market being very volatile.…… Continue reading Self Identity – Who are you?

My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

I am addicted to the New York Times “Most Popular” list of articles.  Yet again, there is an article I would like to comment on concerning social networks and how much information todays young people share.  The article “Tell-All Generation Learns to Keep Things Offline”  warns these people that the things you post on Facebook…… Continue reading My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

Just read an article in the New York times entitled “Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America.”

The article piqued my interest in that I’m all for building bridges between cultures and this program is a wonderful way to help American students learn the language of a country that will be (and is already) very important on the world stage. The article on the overall was very good but there was one statement that I take great issue with.

Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Yet again another political issue is all over the media.  And as usual the debate is superficial filled with shallow “talking points,” which paint the issue as black and white and the color you choose being your political affiliation. I find the debate swirling around the details of the law a bit too much.  For…… Continue reading Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective