Living a magical life

As I get older and more set into my routines I find that life loses a little bit of luster.  New experiences become less frequent and the activities I’m used to become a little less enjoyable.   Then I look at my son and see how he is excited about pretty much everything.  Everything is…… Continue reading Living a magical life

New Year 2014

I usually like to write about an event while it is actually happening.  This year I just didn’t have the enthusiasm to write for Christmas and am a little bit delayed for the New Year.  So today, I’m forcing myself to get my thoughts down.   This New Year’s Eve we did not go to…… Continue reading New Year 2014

7.21.2013 – Entry

Another very long spell without having written anything.  It is a difficult thing to find the time when one has a young son that demands attention at every waking moment. But it is late now and my son is now in bed and I am afforded some quiet time and have a cold beer in…… Continue reading 7.21.2013 – Entry

Snapshot of my mind at 36 years

Just as I ask myself, “Why am I here” and “What is here.” I ask myself why I bother to write. I write because I am an archivist. I like to archive, to try to preserve this wonderful experience that I’m living. Every experience is infinitely valuable to me and I want to collect and keep them all.

Growing up and Passage of Time

I for one, always have my “midlife crisis” a bit early. I knew at 19 that I would not be a famous professional sports player and now at 33 I have the same thoughts most people might have at 40.

Life Currents – A Reflection

In fact, from the time we are born until the end of High School and perhaps university our path is pretty much laid out for us. We are required to attend school, learn things and at the end either continue on the stream or reach an abrupt end.