Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014

My FAVORITE song of 2014!!! TRULY EPIC!!! “Little Apple by the Chopstick Brothers. 本当に素敵この歌は。ビデオもおもしろい!!今年の一番 好きな歌になりました。 (>.<)/ Little Apple I planted a seedAnd finally it bore fruitToday is a great dayTo pluck the stars and give them to youTo pull down the moon and give it to youAnd let the sun rise for you every…… Continue reading Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014

Street Vendors

Being a student of languages, I found it very interesting during my recent travels to compare the English abilities of street vendors in both Cambodia and Vietnam. These are the people who continually summon you to check out their goods and really pressure you into buying something. At times it can be very annoying, but…… Continue reading Street Vendors

A Wapanese? – White people that like Asian culture

Recently, I’ve been reading blogs, journals and so on to get myself mentally prepared for my return to America. In particular I’ve been reading about race relations between Asians and Americans just so I can have an understanding about how San Francisco might be for my girlfriend who is Japanese. I’ve found a lot of…… Continue reading A Wapanese? – White people that like Asian culture