Journal Entry – 3.29.2018

It is 8:27 AM on Thursday March 29th.  We’re getting unusually warm weather which makes it feel like spring.  Yes, it is spring but the weather doesn’t change too much year around here in the Bay like it does in Ohio.  You don’t get that feeling of euphoria on a really nice day like you…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.29.2018

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I had planned to write about the bird activity in my backyard in the previous post but another subject completely took that over. In 2016 the ravens no longer rule the neighborhood.  It seems the drought has caused some patters to change and the ravens now stay low key due to the Red-Tailed Hawks that…… Continue reading Birds

Robins have returned

The robins have returned after being absent for almost a year. It has been two weeks since they first reappeared. Here in California they are not ubiquitous as they are in Ohio. I’m going to pay attention this time to determine how long they stay. They like the bird bath and berry trees but I…… Continue reading Robins have returned