France – First journal entry

So here I am in France!  I can’t believe it!!  Well actually it hasn’t sunk in yet.  The trip here sucked!!  I was at the airport for  2 hours.  We were supposed to be there at 1:pm but we didn’t leave until 3.  I was there for the entire time.  After we finally left the airport it took six hours to get to Paris and then we had to take numerous metros and buses to get to Lyon.  We finally got there at 10am the following morning.  Then we had to take a train to Lyon .  I never went to bed until about 12 the following night.  We finally got to the hotel and then we rested a bit.  I woke up and we went out to eat. 

I started drinking beers and convinced a few people to go out with me to a bar.  We ended up at an Irish pub then an English pub.  We had to get back to the metro before 12 because it was going to close.  We made it back and I woke up about 9am the next day.  I decided I didn’t want to get up so I ended up sleeping until 2:30 that day.  I really didn’t have anything to do because I didn’t know where anyone’s room was so I just ended up studying a bit for the exam the next day.  I met some people for the group meeting but it was pointless and we didn’t learn anything new.. Oh actually before the meeting we went to the pool with a few people but it was nothing special.  I didn’t go out that night and studied a bit for my French test. 

Today.. actually this morning we had the placement for the French program.  I did as well as could  be expected.   I placed in the 5th group which is basically where I am at.  It would have taken a lot of studying to place any higher which I could have done but wouldn’t have been comfortable with.  I am were I should be. 

So anyway we had the test this morning and we had about a 2 hour break and we just sat at a café and I got a little more confident with my French talking with the locals.  We had breakfast/ lunch then went back to the school to figure out what group we were in.  After that was done (which took forever) we had a two hour break before our class.  I rested on the floor and talked with an Italian, a Korean and an Japanese in French before I passed out for a moment. 

Afterwards we had to split up to translate our own language into French.  There were about 5 people in our group and I was in the upper half because it was a combo of groups 4 and 5 and I was 5.  It was difficult but I did OK.  I was also pretty attracted to the teacher with her short skirt and little frenchie attitude.  I think I’m going to like French.  She was really cool but it’s hard to think about the language when you’re thinking about sex all the time. 

After that, I finally made it back to the residence, and we made spaghetti about 10 of  us.  We bought plenty of wine and had plenty of spaghetti and had a good time.  We ended up playing cards in Jen’s room and talking about everything.  Things are going well, but it’s still early for me to  be comparing anything to Spain!!  Viva Espana… I’m trying so hard to not compare but it’s hard.    I love Spain and even want to start crying when I think about it.  But I’m here now and have to concentrate on the here and now.  I’m learning French and am going to get in contact with Renne and Annabelle soon.  It’s so amazing, that I was so bored in the US and here I am in France all of a sudden and don’t know what to do with myself.  Things just go by so quickly!!!  

This journal is going to be my best friend for the next few months because it is the same one I used in Spain and now I’m all alone with it again.  Life just goes so quick.  I’m so blessed to be doing this yet I miss my Spain!!!  I’m not going to think about it though.  I’m going to give this a chance before I start to cry remembering the best time of my life.  This is a new best time of my life and I’m not going to let it slip by.  Spain was so fucking awesome though.   I’m not thinking about that right now.  I’m in the here and now and don’t live in the past!!!  Well It’s late and I really don’t have much else to say. I’m going to smoke a cigarette and listen to my music for a bit.  I already miss my cozy apartment and life already..  It was so easy there yet I was bored.  Now everything is flipped turned upside down and I’m in a new world!!!  It’s amazing.. Vive le France….  Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee…

By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/