Computer Issues

I’ve lost count of all the computer issues I’ve had over the past three decades. They tend to pop up every two years or so, mostly due to the relentless assault of updates and upgrades. When computers break most people just lost all their data then went out and bought a new computer. The cloud…… Continue reading Computer Issues

Computer Issues

I’ve finally solved a computer issue that had been a major thorn in my side for about 6 months. It was a problem that caused me to reinstall Windows, start using Windows 7, consider ditching Windows all together and using Linux, updating and deleting drivers and reading a ton of forums. It all started when…… Continue reading Computer Issues

Windows Reinstall

Story below this post is primarily a guide for myself. In case Windows completely malfunctions  Boot from Windows disk and do a complete reinstall.Pull out the motherboard CD and reinstall driversDo a Windows update Just when I thought the major stress had passed I was greeted with a catastrophic Windows failure. Cleaning out my computer…… Continue reading Windows Reinstall