4.17.2004 – E-mail to Dad

Good Morning Dad!  How is everything at home?  Is Mom’s brother still there?  How long will that last?  I know it must be a challenge.   The semester has started here and we’ve just completed our first week of class.  I’m really going to enjoy this semester since they have revised the  curriculum.  There are now two core classes…… Continue reading 4.17.2004 – E-mail to Dad

E-mail to Brendan and Ryan 3.19.2004

—–Original Message—–From: MSent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:34 PMTo: Brendan; RyanSubject: From Tokyo Gentlemen, You both wrote me at the same time and I thought my latest adventure would interest both of you.  I’ve stumbled upon paradise!  There is really no need to come back to Tokyo, because I’ve found the land of beautiful women.  It’s in Vietnam!  Let’s…… Continue reading E-mail to Brendan and Ryan 3.19.2004

E-mail to Brendan 4.1.2004

Brendan-san, That sucks you had to spend St. Patty’s day in some place known as Elkhart.  I feel for you man.  But just remember, here I never get to celebrate any holidays.  The Japanese don’t have any fun holidays, and all their national holidays are simply days off work.  So I miss every single damn…… Continue reading E-mail to Brendan 4.1.2004

E-mail to Kazuko 3.31.2004

Comme j’ai dit, avec mes amis c’est vraiment imposible a dire qui vont venir.  Horacio (panama jin) m’a dit qui 4 personnes vont venir avec lui. Ils sont etudiants (masters degree) de informatique a Waseda.  Donc,, peut etre 8 personnes c’est un numbero “safe.”  Desoleeee  neeee…  : )Mathieu —– Original Message —–From: “Kazuko To: “M…… Continue reading E-mail to Kazuko 3.31.2004

E-mail to Kazuko 3.29.2004

Ciao Bella! D’accord, on peut s’rencontrer le semaine prochaine.  J’essaye d’organiser “ohanami” pour nous.  Je pense que le prochaine semester va commencer le semaine prochaine, mais si tu es libre, on peut le faire pendant le week-end. C’est vrai que tout le monde était ivre le samedei soir!  Tanoshikatta!  A propose de les russies, j´ai…… Continue reading E-mail to Kazuko 3.29.2004

E-mail to Allison 3.28.2004

Top of the Morning to ya! As you may already know, I have no shame, so there can never be a “bad” topic!  Have no fear! The lust love situations with that other group you hung with sounds interesting.  Can you imagine Axel or I getting jealous by petty nonsense such as that!  haha.  As for me,…… Continue reading E-mail to Allison 3.28.2004