Moon through my telescope

I saw the moon for the first time through a telescope tonight. I took this picture with an iPhone 6 by putting the camera up to the telescope lens. It seems the older I become the more I realize just how fantastic and absolutely beautiful the world is around me.

An infrequent entry

It has become a very infrequent occurrence when I actually sit down to write something of substance here in my online journal.  I believe this to be unfortunate as thus far I’ve lived a rather exciting life yet often cannot find the time/motivation to set these experiences down so that they may be preserved. Instead,…… Continue reading An infrequent entry

New Look

As you can see I’ve redesigned the blog yet again.  I no longer am interested in getting more readers.  My idea for this latest reincarnation is like an open journal for me.   After I came out of the that eternal fog called World of Warcraft I became interested in technology again and all the…… Continue reading New Look

The Amazing Smartphone

Just wanted to write about how amazing the smartphone is. Sure, there are daily news stories about this app or that but I wanted to write down my thoughts about how amazing it actually is.

To me, it is not just a phone or computer, but my link to the entirety of human knowledge. I find it so incredible that we should all be experiencing mass hysteria but as the programs became available over the course of a few years perhaps we now just all take it for granted?

Blog from Iphone

My first post on my mobile device. Blogging remotely is going to be fun. Please enjoy a fountain of master yoda which is located at Letterman Digital Arts. (and a test for me so I can be sure everything is working properly) Location: Bush St,San Francisco,United States