The Inner Voice

It is now 9:33 pm and I am forcing myself to write this post.  With two kids all personal time is effectively gone and things I enjoy doing are rarely done.  It is incredible how we take the abundance of free time for granted when we do not have any responsibilities without realizing that it…… Continue reading The Inner Voice

7.21.2013 – Entry

Another very long spell without having written anything.  It is a difficult thing to find the time when one has a young son that demands attention at every waking moment. But it is late now and my son is now in bed and I am afforded some quiet time and have a cold beer in…… Continue reading 7.21.2013 – Entry

Snapshot of my mind at 36 years

Just as I ask myself, “Why am I here” and “What is here.” I ask myself why I bother to write. I write because I am an archivist. I like to archive, to try to preserve this wonderful experience that I’m living. Every experience is infinitely valuable to me and I want to collect and keep them all.

Babies and Zen

Well, perhaps the answer is just a bit selfish. I enjoy being around other people, sharing my experiences, learning about them and simply having external contact. For me, being around people is energizing, exciting and much better than simply being alone all the time.