Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)

At the Summit of Mount Fuji

My friends and I successfully climbed Mt. Fuji from the bottom (Sengen Shrine) on July 26th, 2017.  It was mentioned that we start from the bottom over a few bottles of wine and initially I was against it.  However, what won me over was when my friend Brandon told me that this was the historical…… Continue reading Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)

Journal Entry 9.25.2015

I returned home from Japan on Monday.  That was my longest trip in a while but it still went much too quickly.  I think I’ll go back and make some comments on my picture posts so I don’t have to recount everything here. Returning home has been strange.  The primary reason is that my family…… Continue reading Journal Entry 9.25.2015

Graves of the 47 Ronin

I visited Sengakuji after a late night and too many bottles of Shochu in Nishiogikubo.  I went drinking with a Japanese friend and it was a great experience although I do not remember much of it.  He was dressed in traditional Japanese clothing and the street he took me to was lined with small, seemingly Edo-era restaurants.…… Continue reading Graves of the 47 Ronin

A rice field haiku

The ancient rice fieldSaturated by gray cloudsOf US warplanes aboveMateo de Colón Just walked through this beautiful landscape and was struck by the contrast of its timeless serenity and the roaring of the ceaseless American warplanes flying overhead towards Yokosuka. It is a melancholy feeling indeed and brought forth an unsolicited haiku. Update 9.25.2015 I…… Continue reading A rice field haiku