E-mail to Mathias 8.20.2004


My classes at Waseda are finally finished and I’m very happy to not have to go to those boring lectures anymore.  I think it’s time to study Japanese on my own without the teachers troubling me with too many tests that I always received a bad grade on.  : )

Now, I’m just teaching English at night, going to the gym and looking for a job in Vietnam.  I have some friends there and think it would be a great place to live due to the cheap prices and proximity of the ocean!  Tokyo is too crowded for me and I need some peace and quiet.  My visa is until October 10th so I’m hoping to find a job before then but it’s looking to be a little difficult.  I’m positive that I’ll be in Vietnam in October though.

Your girlfriends English is very good and she made mistakes on just a few parts.  I’ve corrected them and the document is now perfect.  I wish her the best of luck in LA but tell her to be careful because LA can be a little dangerous.  Also, eating too much American food makes people fat.

Finally, the election is coming up and my state OHIO is very important in this election and the presidential candidates are spending a lot of time there trying to persuade voters.  I’ve actually registered to vote and hopefully my vote will help get that Putain Bush out of office forever.

Take care of yourself and good luck with your studies and job!!!
Vive le france!


Salut M !!

comment ca va ? Les cours a Waseda se sont bien termines?
Pour moi tout va bien, ce sont les vacances d’ete, j’ai fini mon stage mais continue mon job pour gagner un peu d’argent. Tu fais quoi en ce moment?

J’ai une faveur a te demander. Je sais plus si je t’en avais parle mais ma copine, Maki, a passe des examens pour faire un stage aux USA d’un an. Elle vient d’etre acceptee et va aller a Los Angeles a partir d’octobre. Le probleme c’est qu’elle galere un peu en ce moment a cause de tous les papiers qu’elle doit remplir pour le visa et autres…

Est ce que tu pourrais corriger le document ci-joint, c’est super
important pour elle? Si il y a des phrases qui te paraissent bizarre n’hesite pas a les changer, d’apres ce que j’ai compris ce document est tres important pour obtenir les papiers necessaires pour partir.
Et si tu peux me le renvoyer corrige avant dimanche, je te serais extremment reconnaissant…Comme d’habitude tu seras mon sauveur, cher ami!!

a bientot ,

By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/