E-mail to Cat Eyes Models 8.17.2004

Dear Sir or Madam, 

This is 魔手 again.  I recently sent you a message for my job application and upon browsing your website, I discovered a problem that can easily be fixed.  

On the page: http://www.vietnameses.com/models/commercial some of the pictures do not appear because of a broken link.  I took the liberty of viewing your source code and discovered the problem.  I can fix it for free simply because I wish to develop a good relation with you and sincerely hope that we may work together in the future.  If you send me the file for that page I can fix it for you, or I can tell you how to do it yourself. 

Here is the problem.  Please take a look at the source code and notice the difference between numbers 1 and 2, and 3 and 4.  The first 2 provide a link to the image and the problem stars when you added the hosting address for example the difference between (src=”thu_hien01.jpg”) which is good and (src=”“) which is bad.  To fix the problem, simply erase (““ 

Take a look below so you can find the problem in the HTML format.  

1.  —->  Good Link      src=”thu_hien01.jpg”
                                border=0 width=”120″ height=”180″> </a> </FONT></P></TD>
                                <TD height=”1″>
                                <P align=center><FONT
                                face=Verdana size=1><a href=”http://www.vietnameses.com/models/thuhoai/index.shtml”><IMG 

2.  —-> Good Link      src=”thu_hoai01.jpg”
                                border=0 width=”120″ height=”180″> </a> </FONT></P></TD>
                                <TD height=”1″>
                                <P align=center><FONT
                                face=Verdana size=1><a href=”http://www.vietnameses.com/models/khanhlinh/index.shtml”><IMG

3. Problem is here,     src=”
                                border=0 width=”120″ height=”180″></a></FONT></P></TD>
                                <TD height=”1″>
                                <P align=center><FONT
                                face=Verdana size=1><a href=”http://www.vietnameses.com/models/thutrang/index.shtml”><IMG

4.  Another bad link   src=”“ 

I hope this helps you and I truly hope that I may have the opportunity to be of more service to you in the future. 


By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/