Journal Entry – 5.26.2018

It is 2:37 on Saturday May 26th, 2018.  Today is my 41st birthday.

I woke up around 5:30 AM and did my morning routine:  put away the dishes and clean any that hadn’t been done, make the coffee and drink my vegetable juice.  Once everyone was awake I got started on cleaning the four fish tanks.  They were a bit overdue and I just wanted to get it done since it takes about two hours and I wouldn’t want to do it later in the day. After that it was clean up more dishes from breakfast and then off to karate.  I came back home, took a nap and then received a call from my parents.

It is hard to believe I’m 41 years old; where does the time go?  As I mentioned many posts ago I still considered myself young throughout my 30s but that isn’t possible to do now that I’m in the early 40s.  I don’t even know anyone in their 20s as our social group are my age and up and all our kids are still very young.  I have no idea what 20 year olds do with their time these days, what they listen to, what they watch or what apps are popular.  And you know what?  I really don’t care.  I still think the 80s and 90s were great, I was overseas throughout the 2000s and this decade has been pretty much a blur.  Time sure does go much faster the older you get.

I’ve stopped using Facebook and rarely post anymore.  I still keep in touch with some old friends but not many.  I don’t talk to my two best friends from high school much but I know they are around and will always be willing to meet up when I go back to Ohio.  The other friendships have faded, even on Facebook.  I do have a couple of guys I always contact when I go back to Japan and that is always nice.

I received a call from my good buddy Axel who lives in Colorado.  One of our classmates – Liu Lian – is visiting Colorado and they are going fishing/hiking and doing other Colorado things today.  It was nice of him to remember my birthday and even more so to give a call while Liu Lian is there.  It was great to speak with them both.  I also got a message from my good buddy Kevin in Las Vegas.  He is one I do keep in contact with and we’ll see each other here sooner than later.

I’m currently at home and have some free time since the family is out.  I thought I’d just get one birthday post in and then maybe try to finish my nap.  My buddy Brandon is having a cookout about 5 and I’ll head over there.  I don’t think I’ll be drinking too much since, as I’m getting older, I really don’t like the feeling the next day after drinking alcohol.  I like to be clear, focused and get things done.  The after effects of drinking interfere with that.

I’m pretty tired from karate class so I think I’ll either watch some YouTube or perhaps play Zelda.  Or, maybe I’ll just drift back to sleep.

By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/