E-mail to Dad 8.29.2004

Good Morning Dad,

Thanks for having C. call me.  It had been ages since I’d last spoke to
her and it was good to have a chat.

It’s almost September now and the weather has become cool and a bit wet here in Tokyo.  It’s a fitting season to be leaving Japan; a place where I’ve developed so much and had my eyes opened a little more.  Everyday, I struggle with the thought of leaving here and try to imaging what life will be like in Vietnam.  However, I believe it’s the comfort of Tokyo that stirs these fears since I have established myself quite well in this concrete jungle.  Yet, I’m determined to go to Vietnam for a few main reasons:

1.  It’s developing and many American businesses are setting up operations there.  If I contrast it with America I see Vietnam as a place where I could advance my career as well as my character much more rapidly than I could in the United States.  The entire city is developing and is filled with the excitement of opportunity and a better life.  Plus, I could add another language.  I’m happy with my Japanese ability and after this language, Vietnamese shouldn’t be too difficult.

2.  The people are so poor there that they remember what it’s like to be friendly and kind to strangers.  I’m less afraid of losing some rights there than I am of the gangs in America and indiscriminate killing that goes on everyday in our own town.  I’m also against this hyper-materialism that has taken hold of America.  I’ve become quite fond of Grandpa’s generation and my image of America at that time. 

Every time I go back home, I do meet many nice people but most are superficial, shallow people who display their worth by the things they buy and constantly sizing up the other person in terms of material things.  It’s so refreshing to go to a country that is so poor,
they cannot behave quite as badly yet, although give them time and I’m sure they will follow the trend.

3.  The quality of life should be much better there for someone like me.  If I compare the salaries with the price of products minus the poverty, I’d make out better in Vietnam (so long as I spend all my money there).  In fact, since my salary here is paid a month in arrears, I should have plenty of money for rent and all expenses for about three months.

These points along with many others drives my motivation to go and work there.  I’m very excited to go and I’ve gotten some invitations for interviews; one from a consulting agency and one from a language school. However, I will do my absolute best to try to get a business job and am applying to language schools as a backup.  I’m confident that I’ll land something is business eventually however.

Finally, I read an excellent article that confirms many of my thoughts about people not really being smart or informed enough to vote intelligently.  It also talks about how the elites form most of the masses opinions about which candidates to vote for.  I’m sure you’ve already read it but it’s a masterpiece.


By Mateo de Colón

Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/